The Money Is In The List... Or So They Say...

Many people say that the money is in the list, they say this because if you build a big emailing list you have a good amount of customers that you can send an offer straight to their private inbox :).

Think about the power of that, sending an email to anywhere from 500 ppl (small) to 50K ppl (quite big) that are interested in what you are talking about, meaning selling.

That means you have high chances of making sales :).

However there if a big problem... How do you build this big list?

Well with Opt-In's ofcourse.

You put a form on a squeeze page or a webpage somewhere that tell them that if they signup they get this info and that info (niche specific)

Provide great value to your list and they will trust you more, essentially you are trying to help people not make sales, think of this as a business of helping people achieve what they want to achieve... or get the knowledge they wanna get.

Building a list is not as hard as it seems simply send all of your TARGETED traffic to a certain page (mentioned here on Generating Traffic) So that you build up more people visiting YOUR specific page and having a percentage of that opting onto your list.

You might also want to get an AutoResponder (Sends people emails on a schedule or when they sign up)

  • (PAID) is a great one and so is

Remember there is an 80/20 rule that states that 80% of the emails you send should be value and 20% should be marketing (therefore making your mailing list trust you more :)

Offering a free piece of information that can HELP THEM OUT RIGHT NOW of some sort as an incentive to join your list is great (or some great free videos) that will reveal something OF GREAT VALUE TO THEM.